Our team has a strong track record of coastal engineering research and innovation. Explore our key publications below to learn more about our expertise in coastal protection and enhancement.
Key Papers
The theory behind nearshore nourishment, identifying suitable site conditions and showing examples with costs of nearshore nourishment projects.
A comprehensive review of sand-filled geotextile containers, evaluating their advantages, disadvantages, and potential future use in Australia.
The evolution of coastal management on the Gold Coast with improvements in coastal management knowledge, tools and technology.

Artificial Reefs & Breakwaters
Narrowneck Artificial Reef Renewal - (Women in Coastal Engineering Award 2023)
B. Corbett, M. Mulchay, S. Hunt, Z. Elliot Perkins 2023
Nature Based Solutions and Oyster Shellfish Reef Restoration in the Noosa River.
S. King, B. Corbett, C. Bohm. R. Britton. 2023
Projects Review - Eco Engineered Artificial Reefs in the Arabian Gulf
L.A. Jackson, A. Salyer, B. Corbett, L. Jackson & S.King. 2016
Geodesic dome as artificial reef structure - Arabian Gulf Trial.
A. Salyer, R. Ingram. 2015
Design and Construction of a Submerged Breakwater and Terminal Seawall for Beach Stabilisation
L.A. Jackson, B. Corbett, M. Mulcahy & A. Salyer. 2015
L.A. Jackson, R. Tomlinson, B. Corbett & D. Strauss. 2012
Low Crested Reef Breakwaters – Theory Illustrated by Arabian Gulf Projects
L.A. Jackson, B. Corbett & A. Salyer. 2010
Design and Construction of Low Crested Reef Breakwaters Using Sand Filled Geotextile Containers
L.A. Jackson. 2010
Narrowneck Reef Monitoring and Lessons – 10 Years on
L.A. Jackson, B. Corbett & T. Evans. 2010
Wave Transmission over Low Crested Geotextile Breakwater Structures
M. Blacka, J. Carley, B. Corbett & L.A. Jackson. 2009
R.Tomlinson, L.A. Jackson & B. Corbett. 2008
Alternative Coastal Protection and Amenity Provision Using Multi Function Sand Filled Geo-Containers
L.A. Jackson, G. Mocke, F. Smit, B. Corbett, S. Restall & D. Markham. 2008
Eco-Friendly Coastal Protection Using Multi Functional Artificial Reefs
L.A. Jackson, G. Mocke, F. Smit & B. Corbett. 2008
Narrowneck Reef: Review of 7 Years of Monitoring Results
L.A. Jackson, B. Corbett, R. Tomlinson, J. McGrath & G. Stuart. 2007
Review of Existing Multi-Functional Artificial Reefs
L.A. Jackson & B. Corbett. 2007
Design and Construction Methodology of a Novel Multi-Functional Artificial Reef for Dubai
F. Smit, G. Mocke & L.A. Jackson. 2007
Reef Breakwaters for Coastal Protection: Safety Aspects and Tolerances
B. Corbett, R. Tomlinson & L.A. Jackson. 2005
Narrowneck Artificial Reef: Results of 4 Years of Monitoring and Modifications
L.A. Jackson, R. Tomlinson, I. Turner, B. Corbett, M. D'Agata & J. McGrath. 2005
L.A. Jackson, R. Tomlinson & D. Skelly. 2005
Marine Ecosystem Enhancement on a Geotextile Coastal Protection Reef - Narrowneck Reef Case Study
L.A. Jackson, R. Reichelt, S. Restall, B. Corbett, R. Tomlinson & J. McGrath. 2004
Monitoring of Narrowneck Artificial Reef
R. Tomlinson, L.A. Jackson & B. Corbett. 2003
The Challenge of Combining Coastal Protection and Improved Surfing Amenity
L.A. Jackson, R. Tomlinson & M. D'Agata. 2002
Monitoring of a Multi Functional Submerged Geotextile Reef Breakwater
L.A. Jackson, R. Tomlinson, J. McGrath & I. Turner. 2002
Engineering an Artificial Reef
L.A. Jackson & W. Hornsey. 2002
J. McGrath, L.A. Jackson & R. Tomlinson. 2001
Special Construction Requirements for Artificial Surfing Reefs
L.A. Jackson. 2001
Wave-Induced Pressures and Internal Stability of Geotextile Sand Containers in Artificial Reefs
B. Corbett. 2001
Comparison of Observed and Predicted Coastline Changes at the Gold Coast Artificial (Surfing) Reef
I. Turner, V. Leyden, G. Symonds, J. McGrath, L.A. Jackson, T. Jancar, S. Aarninkhof & I. Elshoff. 2000
Proposed "Reef" to Restore, Protect and Enhance Noosa Main Beach
L.A. Jackson, K. Black, R. Tomlinson & R. Williams. 2000
Three Dimensional Scale Physical Model Investigations of the Gold Coast Artificial Reef
I. Turner, V. Leyden, R. Cox, L.A. Jackson & J. McGrath. 1999
Designing the Shape of the Gold Coast Reef: Field Investigations
J. Hutt, K. Black, L.A. Jackson & J. McGrath. 1999
3D Physical Model Testing of an Artificial Surfing Reef, Gold Coast, Australia
I. Turner, J. Carley, R. Cox, K. Black, L.A. Jackson & J. McGrath. 1999
K. Black, J. Hutt, S. Mead, L.A. Jackson, J. McGrath & E. Couriel. 1998
Surfing Reef Benefits - The Gold Coast Example
L.A. Jackson, J. McGrath. 1998
Proposed Surfing Reef for the Northern Gold Coast
L.A. Jackson, R. Tomlinson, K. Black & E. Couriel. 1997
Surfing Considerations for Major Coastal Engineering Projects
L.A. Jackson. 1995
Dredging & Nourishment
​Nearshore Nourishment Theory and Application
L.A. Jackson & B. Corbett. 2023 (Australasian Coasta and Ports 2023)
50 Years of Seawall and Nourishment Strategy Evolution on the Gold Coast
L.A. Jackson & R. Tomlinson. 2017
A History of the Implementation and Evolution of Sand Nourishment Methods on the Gold Coast
L.A. Jackson, P. Hill & J. McGrath. 2013
Tweed River Entrance Sand Bypassing Precommissioning Dredging Works
M. McQuade, L.A. Jackson & B. Corbett. 2001
Shore & Beach Observations – Littoral Drift and Q = AV
A.W. Smith & L.A. Jackson. 1998
Tweed River Entrance Sand Bypassing Project Principals and Progress
R.J. Murray, J. Brodie, L.A. Jackson, M. Porter, D. Robinson, S. Lawson & M. Perry. 1995
Beach Dynamics of Barred Nearshores
L.A. Jackson [Joint Author]. 1993
Evaluation of the Long-Term Behaviour of Various Foreshore Protection Works on the Gold Coast
L.A. Jackson & P. Hill 1993
Nearshore Bars & Shore Zone Dynamics
B. Boczar-Karakiewicz, L.A. Jackson, D. Forbes, Kohlhase & A. Nageszewski. 1993
On Soft Protection of Sandy Beaches in Wave Dominated Environments
B. Boczar-Karakiewicz, J.L. Bona & L.A. Jackson. 1993
On Beach Dynamics & Nourishment of Offshore Bars, Gold Coast, Australia
B. Boczar-Karakiewicz, J.L. Bona & L.A. Jackson. 1993
Beach Dynamics and Protection Measures on Barred Nearshores, North Sea (Sylt) and South Pacific (Gold Coast, Australia)
L.A. Jackson [Joint Author]. 1992
A Comparison of Beach Nourishment, Eastern Australia vs Eastern U.S.A.
L.A. Jackson [Joint Author]. 1992
Beach Dynamics and Protection Measures in the Gold Coast area, Australia
B. Boczar-Karakiewicz & L.A. Jackson. 1991
Practical Survey Control of Beach Renourishment Projects
L.A. Jackson, F. Goetsch & P. Hill. 1991
The Analysis and Role of Bars on the Protection of a Beach System, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
B. Boczar-Karakiewicz & L.A. Jackson. 1990
Nearshore Nourishment: Implementation, Monitoring and Model Studies of the 1.5M m3 at Kirra Beach
L.A. Jackson & R. Tomlinson. 1990
The Siting of Beach Nourishment Placements, 1990
A.W. Smith & L.A. Jackson. 1990
Implementation and Monitoring of 1.5Mm3 Nearshore Nourishment at Kirra / Bilinga, Gold Coast
L.A. Jackson. 1989
B. McGinnity & L.A. Jackson. 1987

Erosion Management Plans
The GC Experience: 50 years of Urban Dune Management ICM TECH NOTE: Dune Management.
L.A. Jackson., Z. Lindenburg. 2023
Innovative Coastal Cliff Stabilisation - The Scarborough Cliffs Stabilisation Project.
S. King, M. Mulcahy, B. Corbett, A. Jackson, J. Steward, L. Smith. 2023
Creating and Maintaining a Coastal Management Knowledge Hub
R. Tomlinson, L.A. Jackson & S. Hunt. 2016
Coastal Zone Management Plans – The need to Balance all Costs and Benefits
K. Coleman & L.A. Jackson. 2015
Keynote: Coastal management in uncertain times requires vision not computers
L.A. Jackson. 2013
Noosa River Spit Erosion Protection Works
B. Corbett, R. Tomlinson, D. Shaw & R. Williams. 2013
Innovative Coastal Protection to reduce financial and environmental costs
L.A. Jackson & L. Jackson. 2012
Emergency Coastal Protection Works - Practical Lessons for the Future from the Past
L.A. Jackson. 2007
R. Tomlinson, J. McGrath, L.A. Jackson, G. Stuart, A. Robertson, M. M'Agata & B.Corbett. 2003
An overview of Gold Coast Coastal Management 1960 - 2001
L. Boak, L.A. Jackson, J. McGrath & M. Brosnan. 2001
IENCE - A Case Study: The Northern Gold Coast Beach Protection Strategy
L. Boak, J. McGrath & L.A. Jackson. 2000
The Northern Gold Coast Beach Protection Strategy
L. Boak, J. McGrath, A. Maffey & L.A. Jackson. 2000
J. McGrath, L. Boak & L.A. Jackson. 2000
J. McGrath, L. Boak & L.A. Jackson. 1999
The Effects of Beach Erosion on Tourism on the Gold Coast, Australia
M. Raybould, T. Mules & L.A. Jackson. 1998
Strategy for Protection of North Gold Coast Beaches
L.A. Jackson, J. McGrath & R. Tomlinson. 1997
Beach Utilisation and Protection on the Gold Coast, Australia
L.A. Jackson. 1994
Coastal Management at the Local Government Level, Benefits and Advantages
L.A. Jackson [Joint Author]. 1992
Beach Protection on the Gold Coast
L.A. Jackson. 1991
Coastal Management of a Large Coastal Resort City, Gold Coast, Australia
L.A. Jackson. 1990
The Application of Coastal Management Tactics, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
A.W. Smith & L.A. Jackson. 1990
Management of the Gold Coast Beaches
L.A. Jackson. 1990
The Application of Coastal Management Tactics on the Prototype
A.W. Smith & L.A. Jackson. 1987
Coastal Management and Tourism on the Gold Coast
A.W. Smith & L.A. Jackson. 1986
Field Data
Strategic and Cost-Effective Networks of Miniaturised Tide Gauges
D. Metters, J. Shayer, J. Ryan, J. Bourner, B. Corbett & R. Tomlinson. 2017
Condition Survey of Coastal Structures using UAV and Photogrammetry
S. King, J. Leon, M. Mulcahy, L.A. Jackson & B. Corbett. 2017
Site Investigations for Design of an Open Water Dive Attraction off the Gold Coast
J. Restall, L.A. Jackson, B. Corbett, L. Hughes, R. Richards, R. Tomlinson & F. Cream. 2013
Environmental Monitoring of the Northern Gold Coast Beach Protection Strategy
A. Walsh, R. Tomlinson, J. McGrath, E. Boak, L.A. Jackson. 1999
The Variability in Width of the Visible Beach
A.W. Smith & L.A. Jackson. 1992
Assessment of the Past Extent of Cyclone Beach Erosion
A.W. Smith & L.A. Jackson. 1990
F. Goetsch & L.A. Jackson. 1989
Data Requirements for Coastal Zone Management in a Beach Area
L.A. Jackson & F. Goetsch. 1988

B. Corbett, N. Wellwood, D. Shing & L.A. Jackson. 2016
The North Kirra Beach Restoration Project
L.A. Jackson. 1985
Marine Facilities
Marina Design to Incorporate Superyachts: A Case Study
B. Corbett & L.A. Jackson. 2007
The Self Replicating External Delta Growth Proven for Deep Water Jettied Inlets
L.A. Jackson [Joint Author]. 1992

Sand-Filled Geotextile Containers
Sand Filled Geotextile Containers in Australia – Is There a Future?
L.A. Jackson, B. Corbett. 2019
Technical note - Geotextile Characteristics for SFGC.
L.A. Jackson, S. Restall, B. Corbett, S. King. 2017
B. Corbett, N. Wellwood, D. Shing & L.A. Jackson. 2016
A. Salyer, L.A. Jackson, B. Corbett & L. Jackson. 2016
Striking a new path in India with coastal structures made from geotextile containers
K. Oberhagemann, K. Werth, L.A. Jackson & S. Restall. 2015
Noosa River Spit Erosion Protection Works
B. Corbett, R. Tomlinson, D. Shaw & R. Williams. 2013
Case Studies Re Design and Construction of Sand Filled Geotextile Containers in the Arabian Gulf
L.A. Jackson & L. Jackson. 2012
Case Studies and Lessons Learnt from Applications of Sand Filled Containers in the Arabian Gulf
L.A. Jackson & L. Jackson. 2012
B. Corbett, L.A. Jackson, T. Evans & S. Restall. 2010
Alternative Coastal Protection and Amenity Provision Using Multi Function Sand Filled Geo-Containers
L.A. Jackson, G. Mocke, F. Smit, B. Corbett, S. Restall & D. Markham. 2008
L.A. Jackson & B. Corbett. 2006
Monitoring of Geosynthetics in Coastal Structures in the Arabian Gulf Marina Ecosystem
L.A. Jackson, S. Restall, B. Corbett & R. Reichelt. 2006
Marine Ecosystem Enhancement on a Geotextile Coastal Protection Reef - Narrowneck Reef Case Study
L.A. Jackson, R. Reichelt, S. Restall, B. Corbett, R. Tomlinson & J. McGrath. 2004
Large Sand Filled Geotextile Containers as a Construction Aid over Poor Quality Marine Clay
W.P. Hornsey, L.A. Jackson, S. Restall & B. Corbett. 2003
S.J. Restall, L.A. Jackson, G. Heerten, W.P. Hornsey. 2002
S. Restall, L.A. Jackson & G. Heerten. 2001
Wave-Induced Pressures and Internal Stability of Geotextile Sand Containers in Artificial Reefs
B. Corbett. 2001
G. Heerton, L.A. Jackson, S. Restall & F. Saathoff. 2000
Environmental Benefits of Sand Filled Geotextile Structures for Coastal Applications
G. Heerten, L.A. Jackson, S. Restall & K. Stelljes. 2000
Geotextile in Coast Protection - Examples of Project Oriented Solutions
G. Heerten, S. Kohlhase, F. Saathoff, L.A. Jackson & S.A. Cant. 1988
Evaluation of Sand Filled Geotextile Groynes Constructed on the Gold Coast, Australia
L.A. Jackson. 1987
The North Kirra Beach Restoration Project
L.A. Jackson. 1985
Seawalls & Revetments
Seawalls for coastal protection and climate change
R. Tomlinson, L.A. Jackson. 2017
50 Years of Seawall and Nourishment Strategy Evolution on the Gold Coast
L.A. Jackson & R. Tomlinson. 2017
Rock Seawall Design and Construction with Deeper Toes for Climate Change
M. Mulcahy, L.A. Jackson & B. Corbett. 2017
Design and Construction of a Submerged Breakwater and Terminal Seawall for Beach Stabilisation
L.A. Jackson, B. Corbett, M. Mulcahy & A. Salyer. 2015
Terminal Seawalls as a Strategy for Uncertainty and Sea Level Rise
M. Mulcahy, B. Corbett & L.A. Jackson. 2015
Design Review for the Gold Coast Seawall for Climate Change
R. Tomlinson, M. Mulcahy, L.A. Jackson, D. Todd, B. Corbett, J. McGrath & S. Hunt. 2014

Submarine Pipelines
Large Diameter Polyethylene Submarine Outfalls, 1984
L.A. Jackson. 1984
L.A. Jackson. 1983
Design and Construction of Effluent Outfalls, 1983
L.A. Jackson. 1983
Bypassing & Backpassing
ICM Tech Note: Sand Bypassing and Backpassing -Theory and Application.
L.A. Jackson. 2023
Tweed River Entrance Sand Bypassing Precommissioning Dredging Works
M. Mcquade, L.A. Jackson, B.Corbett, 2001
Tweed River Entrance Sand Bypassing Project: Principals and Progress
R.J Murray, J. Brodie, L.A. Jackson, M.Porter, 1995
The North Kirra Beach Restoration Project
L.A. Jackson. 1985

Further Articles
Design and Construction of Floating Islands in Qatar.
Z. Lindenberg, L.A. Jackson, A. Salyer, S. King & H. Murwan. 2024
The Added Value of Headlands for Coastal Protection ICM TECH NOTE.
Z. Lindenberg, L.A. Jackson, A. Salyer, B. Corbett, M. Mulcahy, S. King. 2024​
Working with Nature along Open Coasts. Past, Present and Future.
S. King, L.A. Jackson, B. Corbett, M. Mulcahy, A. Salyer, Z. Lindenberg. 2024
Nature Based Solutions for Coastal Management in the Arabian Gulf.
S. King, B. Corbett, L.A. Jackson, A. Salyer. 2024
Emergency Coastal Protection Works and Lessons from Remote Island Construction.
M. Mulcahy, B. Corbett, L.A. Jackson, S. King. 2023
Leveraging the Science to Position the Great Barrier Reef Restorations as Global Benchmark
L.A. Jackson. 2018
L.A. Jackson. 2013
Noosa Main Beach Algae Mitigation Trial
B. Corbett, L.A. Jackson, R. Tomlinson & M. Hagan. 2009
Combining Surfing and Coastal Protection. What is the Perfect Surf?
L.A. Jackson, R.B. Tomlinson & M. D'Agata. 2001
J. Carley, I. Turner, E. Couriel, L.A. Jackson & J. McGrath. 1999
Economic Value and Impact on Coastal Zone - The Gold Coast Study
L.A. Jackson & A.W. Smith. 1997
Coastal Bars on Canadian Coasts
L.A. Jackson [Joint Author]. 1996
Proposed Headland for Surfers Paradise
L.A. Jackson & J. McGrath. 1995
Litter Control at a Local Government Level; The Gold Coast Strategy
L.A. Jackson. 1995
The Development and Impact of Harmonic Reformed “Miche” Wavelets upon a Natural Beach
A.W. Smith & L.A. Jackson. 1995
International Environmental Co-operation
L.A. Jackson. 1993
Sea Level Rise on the Gold Coast - Predicted Extent and Effects and Recommended Protective Measures
L.A. Jackson. 1988